yellow tang picking on small blue hippo


New Member
Okay I need some advice please. I think the yellow tang is picking on the hippo tang.
The yellow tang is about three times larger than the hippo. The hippo has been in the display tank for about 4 months now. We just added the yellow to the tank last night. The yellow won't let the hippo go to the back of the tank and get in the rock it usually hides in. The hippo stays at the front and has red marks on its cheeks and lays at the bottom. Should I move the hippo to my other tank with the maroon clown in it or will the clown pick on it as well?


Active Member
yellow tangs r very territorial. since ur hippo is so much smaller than the yellow, one of them has to go. if not, the yellow will eventually kill the hippo. how big is the tank?


New Member
I pulled the hippo out. I'm going to put it in the with the clown. Poor little guy, it is all stressed out and color is fading since I put it in the bucket to acclimate it. Hope it makes it.


Active Member
I would have taken out the yellow and taken it back to the LFS. Your Hippo was doing in your tank for 4 months and now it's being punished by moving to another tank. Are both tanks big enough (oh yeah, the question) for a Tang?


New Member
The tank that I am putting the hippo in is 75g and the other is 125g. Should I move the yellow tang and wait till the hippo is bigger to reintroduce it?


i have a large yellow and he is very mean his name is BJ for BIG JERK, well long story short when putting more then 1 tang together most say you have a 50/50 chance of them getting along well enough to share a tank, i dont think its that close more like 80/20 but still some times some fish just dont get along even though you have seen it befor and they get along fine in that tank
im with spiderwoman i would take the yellow back to the store you got him from and mybe pick out a smaller one about the same size as your blue hippo, and smaller fish are cuter anyhow


How big is the maroon? I would have put the YT in with him rather than the hippo. If he is already stressed then he isn't going to do too well with a territorial clown.