yellow tang question


New Member
Hello everyone,
This is my first post after finding this site a few weeks ago and reading a ton of post. I am now on my second tank which is a 90 gallow 48" long tank (up from a 55 gallon test tank that was giving to me to see if I liked saltwater, then when I moved to orlando from new jersey I started over with a new setup). Right now I am in the cycling process with the lr and standard shrimp. I am trying to plan out my way and order of getting the fish I would like to have. One of my favorites is the yellow tang. But I am not sure if I will have enough swimming room for him if I get it. Right now the tank is going to be FOWLR. The live rock I have now is about 80 lbs (cured) with plenty of hiding spots. I have attached a photo of the tank in it's current cycle, it is not clear as it was my first try with no tri-pod, and only half the lights on to try and get a better shot.
Thank you all for your input.
PS I also want to add a few clowns as well, as they were my favorite from the old tank before the move.


Active Member
yes, 90 gallons is plenty enough for a yellow tang. I have had one in my 72 since last December and he's done fine, and my tank is more packed with LR even than yours. I will give this 2 bits advice on yellow tangs though. 1) I assumed he'll probably be the biggest fish in your tank? yellow tangs are easily agitated and will often chase smaller fish (at least mine does), so I'd suggest adding the yellow tang last. 2) get a grounding probe and some Zoecon. Yellow tangs are known for getting HLLE. a grounding probe and Zoecon can treat and prevent HLLE.


New Member
Thanks so much I will get on that. Also I think titanium would work best to help ground it, or do they actually sell a kit for it. (I searched and did not see one)


Active Member
yes, there are several manufacturers that sell them. they retail around $22 each. I know Coralife makes one, don't know which other companies. they are small and come with a little suction cup to attach them to the back of the tank.


Active Member
HLLE is "Head and Lateral Line Erosion" and is very common in tangs. what size tank do you have and what kind of tangs are you getting? ick is also very common in many kinds of tangs.


Active Member
i have a 70 tall oceanic, very nice tank, but i want to introduce 3 tangs at onec, hippo, yellow n purple.. i actually had a post on it.. but we will see, the only one i really like is the hippo, i have a peacock puffer n clown in there that i have had for 3 yrs..


ive noticed everyone in here has a different opinion on tangs, what size tang, which ones to mix, which ones not to mix, how much rock etc. Im a newbie so my opinion may not count.
I trust the guy at my pet store and sometimes he wil have fish in one of their 55 for about a month or so and gets a good idea of how they interact and their condition. he has been collecting saltwater fish for more than 15 years. He says a 75 gal is plenty enough for 3 tangs including a blue hippo, a yellow and a naso. As of now I have the yellow and he is a very intersting and curious fish. he swims all day with my lunar wrasse and isnt intimidated by anthing but at the same time he isnt agressive. I think if your water levels are good then why not.
Grounding Probe:
Make sure it is for saltwater (titanium, or gold) otherwise it will cause electrosis (sp) when it enter acts with the salt. (A MUST HAVE FOR YA TANG! imo)
Mult. Tangs, one tank:
One myth carried over from Fresh water fish, is that they will only grow as big as there tank. This is not true. It "could" be in Fresh water, but not in saltwater. Think about it, your a trout, in a stream, you cant grow to 3 feet long, because your in a stream. Tangs and other marine animals live in the ocean, so they were not "desigened" it such a way.
I have had, when i first started sw, muti. tangs in a 55 gal. I had a Yellow, and Purple. Yellow first then purple. They did not get along at all, constantly fighting with there spurs, and then they all got ICK and passed.
From what i have gathered, if it looks like a tang, then another tang will not like it and they will fight.
I would say that for a 70 gal, 1 tang at the most, depends on the amount of live rock.
I have 2 in my tank, and that is plenty (150lbs LR). BUT, i have two that do not have the same "tang" shape. Right now, i have a purple and Yellow tail Blue Tang, in a 110 with no problems.
IMHO only, not a member of the Tang Police.


Active Member
Originally Posted by drea
i have a 70 tall oceanic, very nice tank, but i want to introduce 3 tangs at onec, hippo, yellow n purple.. i actually had a post on it.. but we will see, the only one i really like is the hippo, i have a peacock puffer n clown in there that i have had for 3 yrs..

This is not a good mix, pretty much anyone will tell you that. a Hippo tang grows to over a foot long and needs over 100 gallons. purple tangs are known to be some of the more belligerent tangs. the hippo and purple are also known to get ich pretty easily. in my opinion, the yellow tang would be ok in a 70, but not the other two.


New Member
I have a yellow tang in a 90 gallon, she was one of the first fish that I added to my tank. I have had no problems with aggression. She is and will be one of my biggest fish and I have about 150 pounds of live rock with plenty of caves and hiding places. She is a great addition to my tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jbatjr
Hello everyone,
This is my first post after finding this site a few weeks ago and reading a ton of post. I am now on my second tank which is a 90 gallow 48" long tank (up from a 55 gallon test tank that was giving to me to see if I liked saltwater, then when I moved to orlando from new jersey I started over with a new setup). Right now I am in the cycling process with the lr and standard shrimp. I am trying to plan out my way and order of getting the fish I would like to have. One of my favorites is the yellow tang. But I am not sure if I will have enough swimming room for him if I get it. Right now the tank is going to be FOWLR. The live rock I have now is about 80 lbs (cured) with plenty of hiding spots. I have attached a photo of the tank in it's current cycle, it is not clear as it was my first try with no tri-pod, and only half the lights on to try and get a better shot.
Thank you all for your input.
PS I also want to add a few clowns as well, as they were my favorite from the old tank before the move.
My son was walking by when I was reading this thread and he said'"Look at the face" in the top rock. It looks like it is facing left. Just thought I would add. Ha! Nice set up so far.