Yellow Tang Questions



Okay I'm going to start with what I have
My question being about the diet of the tang and what is the best thing to feed them because I know that he will eventually eat the algea and have nothing to scavenge on.
I feed the others frozen brine and frozen veggies. So gimmie suggestions on food types.
Reestablished 6 month old tank
30 lbs ls
78 lbs LR

4x65w pc

10g with fuge
3 unknown brown corals (came on live rock) has several barnicles on it
10 astrea snails
2 peppermint shrimp
2 camel shrimp
1 emerald crab
1 scooter dragonette
2 firefish
1 emerald crab
1unknown crab(hitch hiked on rockhardly ever comes out)
plenty of coraline algea (green and purple)and more pods than the scooter can keep control of


Active Member
I put green seaweed on a clip everyday and my yellow loves it. When i feed my other fish frozen food he grabs some of that too.


Active Member
A good mixture of different foods is best. I feed mine green and red nori, PrimeReef, Mysis shrimp, chopped krill, caulerpa from the fuge and Thera+ pellets.