New Member
I have a 2.5 inch Yellow tang that I have had for 4 months now in my 95 gal reef tank. The other inhabitants are a pair of Sebae clowns, 3 blue damsels, a scooter blenny and a 8 inch snowflake eel. Recentely over the past week and a half I have noticed the yellow tang is breathing at a very extreme pace, he is still swimming around pretty normally and is still eatting as normal, however I am worried about his respiration rate. At night I have observed him breathing normally, all water specs are normal, pH= 8.2, salinity 1.023, nitrates < 10 ppm, nitrites = 0, ammonia = 0 and temp at 79.5 degrees F. I f anyone has any suggestions let me know, I was thinking that it had to be stress from someone in the tank so I moved all of the live rock around the other day but he still is huffin and puffin.
Thanks for your insight.
Thanks for your insight.