Yellow Tang Rapid Breathing-Need Help


New Member
I have a 2.5 inch Yellow tang that I have had for 4 months now in my 95 gal reef tank. The other inhabitants are a pair of Sebae clowns, 3 blue damsels, a scooter blenny and a 8 inch snowflake eel. Recentely over the past week and a half I have noticed the yellow tang is breathing at a very extreme pace, he is still swimming around pretty normally and is still eatting as normal, however I am worried about his respiration rate. At night I have observed him breathing normally, all water specs are normal, pH= 8.2, salinity 1.023, nitrates < 10 ppm, nitrites = 0, ammonia = 0 and temp at 79.5 degrees F. I f anyone has any suggestions let me know, I was thinking that it had to be stress from someone in the tank so I moved all of the live rock around the other day but he still is huffin and puffin.
Thanks for your insight.


Originally Posted by njosey
I have a 2.5 inch Yellow tang that I have had for 4 months now in my 95 gal reef tank. The other inhabitants are a pair of Sebae clowns, 3 blue damsels, a scooter blenny and a 8 inch snowflake eel. Recentely over the past week and a half I have noticed the yellow tang is breathing at a very extreme pace, he is still swimming around pretty normally and is still eatting as normal, however I am worried about his respiration rate. At night I have observed him breathing normally, all water specs are normal, pH= 8.2, salinity 1.023, nitrates < 10 ppm, nitrites = 0, ammonia = 0 and temp at 79.5 degrees F. I f anyone has any suggestions let me know, I was thinking that it had to be stress from someone in the tank so I moved all of the live rock around the other day but he still is huffin and puffin.
Thanks for your insight.
Ich will harbor itself in the gills...notice any other signs...just one possibility out of many I suppose


Originally Posted by njosey
I have a 2.5 inch Yellow tang that I have had for 4 months now in my 95 gal reef tank. The other inhabitants are a pair of Sebae clowns, 3 blue damsels, a scooter blenny and a 8 inch snowflake eel. Recentely over the past week and a half I have noticed the yellow tang is breathing at a very extreme pace, he is still swimming around pretty normally and is still eatting as normal, however I am worried about his respiration rate. At night I have observed him breathing normally, all water specs are normal, pH= 8.2, salinity 1.023, nitrates < 10 ppm, nitrites = 0, ammonia = 0 and temp at 79.5 degrees F. I f anyone has any suggestions let me know, I was thinking that it had to be stress from someone in the tank so I moved all of the live rock around the other day but he still is huffin and puffin.
Thanks for your insight.
Have you added new fish? You notice him breathing normally at night, which means that something is stressing him during the day.


New Member
Nope have not added any new fish for almost 2 months now, during the day I notice one of the larget damsles being a little territorial towards everyone but the tang is the only onw who I notice any breathing problems with.