yellow tang red blotches


I have a yellow rang in the last couple of days there is red blotches showing uo on dosent act different is eating and everything the red blotches are in its fins and at the very back of its body into the tail fin it kind of looks like you no when you hurt yourself and it dosent bleed but the blood comes to the top of the skin,thats what it looks like anyone no what this is.mrswv1956 :rolleyes:


Active Member
Have you tested your ammonia? Are there any other water prameters out of whack? Has anything about the tank changed lately, anything added or removed? Is the tang getting plenty of greens? Need more inof on the fish and your system to really help.
[ September 20, 2001: Message edited by: ADRON420 ]

matt dowdney

New Member
Your tang could have broken blood caplets, which can be cause by stress. The red blotches can also be bacteria, and to get rid of those you want to go to your LFS and buy some TC caplets. Make sure you are using a quarentine* tank for medication. Find out why this happened and how to prevent it so your tang isn't lost forever. Keep us posted, and buy the way cure it fast cause this kind of showing can be fatal very soon. Take action today if not yesterday, catch my drift.


yes i have tested there is no amonia o nitrites ph 8.3 the only thing differnt latley i had ick awhile back and did the salinity drop but everything had been back to normal 4 about almost 3 weeks just noticed this on my tank a couple of days ago but he acts really good and eats very good i clip a leaf of roman lettuce in there a new piece everyday he loves it eats it right up him and my sea urchant it likes the lettuce to.other then that every thing seems ok.mrswv


Active Member
You really should be feeding your tang some seaweed like Seaweed Selects soaked in a vitamin suppliment like Zoe. He is most likely not getting enough nutrition from lettuce.