Yellow tang, Sailfin tang, and Purple tang?


I have heard that you can put similar tangs in a tank as long as you put an odd number. Is this true?
Can I have a Purple Tang, Yellow Tang, Sailfin Tang, Atlantic Blue, and Blue Spotted Kole Tang all in the same tank?
I have a 215 gallon FOWLR tank, and I am trying to plan out what fish I am going to stock in it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!


Active Member
normally its of the same species at odd numbers but in that large of a tank you should be ok with a variety of simular shapes as they will have plenty of room to move you may have small amounts of aggression between them periodicly be sure you keep them well fed as tangs are big eats and get cranky when they have to fight for for adding order place larger fish last so they dont become over baring on newcommers that are smaller.when mine get to harrassing each other i toss in some pellets they forget they are fighting (kinda like kids and cookies)fastest way to stop fighting lol


I have a Sailfin- 6", yellow- 3", purple-3", and a blue hippo- 6" in a 210 and mine are fine together. They are great fish. Good luck!!