Yellow tang + Sailfin Tang = Fight?


I just bought a new Sailfin tang for my tank. He's a bit smaller than my old yellow tang, and the yellow tang is nipping his fins to shreds! I was told that adding a third tang would fix this issue, is that true? Also, once they stop fighting, will the Sailfin's fins grow back?
Thanks in advance,


Active Member
All depends on the fish but probably not. I have a yellow tang and sailfin tang --- in seperate tanks though. I've actually had a yellow tang

a fish with his tail hook -- bent it over and left a hole in the other fish.
Tangs can be aggressive if not introduced at the same time to similiar shaped or colored fish. If you can rearrange your aquascaping and reintroduce the fish at the same time might help. Other than that.... you kinda broke a tang rule


Active Member
No, adding the third tang will not eliminate the aggression. However it would give your sailfin a break while the aggression was spread to another fish. But I think this is an unnecessary measure. The simple fact is that all tangs will show aggression with one another, especially when a new one is added. This is rarely serious and usually ends in a couple of days. Also, minor fin damage heals quite quickly.


Active Member
the Yellow tang will most likly end up killing the Sailfin tang. tangs do not like fish that have the same body shape or color as them.


Thanks for the quick replies. I now have some good options that I could use. However, the yellow tang in question is quite old, and he has a lot of fin damage from years past that just won't heal for some reason. If I replaced him with a school of 3-4 small yellow tangs, would they still fight with the sailfin?
If not, then I think I'll do that!


Active Member
If introduced togehter probably be alright -- but there is never a guarentee
As far as "old" --- tangs can live 15 years +


Active Member
Originally Posted by Segmaster
Thanks for the quick replies. I now have some good options that I could use. However, the yellow tang in question is quite old, and he has a lot of fin damage from years past that just won't heal for some reason. If I replaced him with a school of 3-4 small yellow tangs, would they still fight with the sailfin?
If not, then I think I'll do that!
Tangs will always show territoriality... but it is much worse in new additions. I've got tangs that have been together for years but will still threaten and chase each other a bit.
As far as the fin damage from years past, I'd be willing to bet that it was HLLE or fin rot that originally caused that damage... that often doesn't grow back. Generally aggression injuries heal really well.

joe 09

the yellow is the more aggressiveand should be added to rhe tank last.some times the aggression will last only for a few long has the fighting going on?


Anytime I have that problem w/ a new fish. I simply remove the aggressor and place him in my sump for a week. Change the rock around in the DT. Let the new fish establish territory. After a week try putting the aggressor back into the tank. Works for me every time!