Yellow Tang Sick Someone Help Me Fast!!!!!!


Active Member
Ok I got yellow tang yesterdya and acclimated him the way it says in here...
my water paramters are nitrites 0
nitrates 0
ammonia 0
phosphate 0
salinty 1.024
temp 79
I added the yallow tang yesteray and he was seemed to be doing great swimming around and everything.. When i woke up this morning he was still doing great and i just got home from school and hes laying on the bottom on his side.. what can I do I dont want him to die... someone help please


was it loud where u had him???our has he had a lot of handling????how long did u acclimate him???stress can cause a lot of that if u want more help from me just ask


what size tank is this and is there any noticeable damage to the fish and what are the other inhabitants of the tank. and what equipment do you have on the tank and how old is it.


Active Member
I acclimate hjim for 3 hours.. i dont want him to die.. i put a clownfish in yesterday too and he seems to be doing great


WAIT I KNOW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!your temp. should be 85 degress r 87 degress it happen to me!!! i turn temp. up and then just took my blue tang out of tank into qurtine tank for 1 day then put him back in and he was better


Active Member
my tank is a 55 ggallon i kn ow they need mroe room but the fish is only like 1/2 inch and im going to trade him in whenever he gets bigger. the fish has no damage to him and was doing great yesterday.
in the tank i have :
1 clownfish
1 lawnmower belnny
1 cleaner shrimp
2 peppermint shrimp
1 pencil sea urchin
and a green brittle starfish
tank is about 3 1/2 months


how does he look??? does he look just yellow???look at him very closey now!!!
tell me what he looks like i didnt say 89??


Active Member
he is completely yellow no white or nything on him. he looks grreat besides the fact that hes just laying on his side on the bottom of the tank


Active Member
my water paramters are nitrites 0
nitrates 0
ammonia 0
phosphate 0
salinty 1.024
temp 79
I have about 110 lbs of live rock
75 lbs of live sand


most of the time when they come in the mail they r in a lot of stress and should be put in a qutine tank(a smaller tank about 10 gal.)