yellow tang sick?


My yellow has some red extending a little along the back and up into the dorsel fin. I looks like a broken blood vessel. I extends about a 1/2 in along the dorsal and up into the fin. He seems healthy and active. Has been eating . The only spike I had was the nitrate going from 10 to 20 because of a dead condy.
Any help is appreciated.


Francis, Yellow Tangs will have red streaks when stressed. These red lines or blotches are caused by a low level bacterial infection. This problem is often cleared up with a large water change. Use water that has been mixed for at least 24 to 48 hours prior to use in the tank. Check your pH, if low that could be the problem. You should see some improvement after a water change or two. If no improvement is seen you may have to treat the fish in a QT with antibiotics. Post the problem in the Disease and Treatment Forum and Terry or Beth will give you instructions on antibiotics. It sounds like the fish is in good health and the problem will by solved with water changes. Yellow tangs are very sensitive to water conditions, Ammonia, Nitrites and pH. Nitrates going from 10 to 20 ppm may not be a problem, but a water change will help lower them. Hope this helps Lorin


thanks for the info. i did a 9 gal water change. will check the amonia . nitrates are down to about 12-15. will keep a close watch on the perameters


Well-Known Member
I had a bunch of condys die and ammonia spiked up, the tank clouded over, and everything died. Keep a close eye on this!!. I also had no plant life in the tank at the time. Plant life will directly consume ammonia and help prevent problems.