Yellow Tang with blue hippo?


I have a 75g tank with 90lbs lr and 1 clownfish. My tank is 5 months old. I am going to buy a yellow tang this weekend. I am looking to getting a smaller one since I know it will outgrow my tank eventually. So my question is, can i put a yellow with a blue hippo. I would buy the blue hippo that is about the size of a clownfish(the ones on this website that says it needs a minimum tank of 40 gallons). I saw a few at my lfs and their tiny. Will they fight, or not be comforable together or in my 75g. Any advice will help thanks


The yellow tang is a great harty fish. The blue hippo is however quite a bit more delacate. I think you ahould allow the tank to establish more before adding a hippo. They do well together there's no doubt about that, but time is a great factor with hippo tangs. We had all three of those fish in a 60g tank. I do not believe the size matter a great deal as long as they are relatively equal. Our hippo was almost twice the size of our yellow tang. I think having both with the clown will be fine as long as its done correctly. IMO I would add the Yellow Tang first then wait atleast a month for the hippo, if the water quality is suitable.
Good Luck!!


I have a yellow tang and a blue hippo and they dont fight but it's in a 180.
I definately couldent recomend this in a 75. I have heard that if your tank isn't a minimum of 6 foot long don't even bother with tangs.


Originally Posted by kroch3rd
I would buy the blue hippo that is about the size of a clownfish(the ones on this website that says it needs a minimum tank of 40 gallons). I saw a few at my lfs and their tiny. Will they fight, or not be comforable together or in my 75g. Any advice will help thanks
Also I am pretty sure the size of the hippo compared to the clown is not realativce at all. The clown has established himself as the tank leader. He has dominated the tank. This is all in my opinion though.


I had a hippo and a yellow tang in a 72 gallon bow front and the hippo ended up killing my yellow tang but the hippo was damaged some to from the fight. So basically what I am saying is don't mix them not unless you have like 150 to 180 gallon tank. I have heard never have even number tangs that with tangs you should have 3 5 7 or something like that but never 2 4 or 6. I also heard you should introduce them into the tank at the same time never add one then add the other down the road.


New Member
I have a 120 Gal and added a yellow and hippo at the same time and thought all was well...did great for about 4 months and then all of a sudden the fight was on. The yellow went down for the count KO :scared:


Active Member
Not a good idea.
For one thing as aquarists we tend to think "I'll get rid of blank when it outgrows my tank". The problem with that thinking is fish don't come with signs saying "get rid of me now, thanks".
There are literally hundreds of species of fish you can put in your aquarium. Why buy one that you know is not suited for the habitat you can provide?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Not a good idea.
For one thing as aquarists we tend to think "I'll get rid of blank when it outgrows my tank". The problem with that thinking is fish don't come with signs saying "get rid of me now, thanks".
There are literally hundreds of species of fish you can put in your aquarium. Why buy one that you know is not suited for the habitat you can provide?
The excuse of "I'll trade it in when its unhappy"..I havent seen a fish frown..(except for lions)or the ole "I plan on upgrading to a ___ gallon when they get to big..)Trust me..Something will come up and you wont be able to...I added a Niger Trigger that was 2 inches to a 29 gallon...I had a 92 cycling in 3 weeks to move him because of space..Still didnt think that was quite right for the fish and gave him to a friend with a 180...I want to try an Achilles tang (dont think I will after tons of research) so I got a 125 and its getting ready to go in the next 2 months or so...If you want X-type fish wait ntil you can accomodate(sp) instead of taking the risk..


I agree with Journeyman and Niger. The only I suggest putting a fish such as a tang in anything smaller than a 125g tank is in the following circumstances:
Only if you have a 125g+ tank set-up and ready to go for a tang AT ALL TIMES. None of this " I will upgrade in x months" crap. There Must be a tank ready to go for it.
On a side note: A kole tang can live heathly in a 75g BUT NO SMALLER