yellow tang yes or no


hubby and i are wanting a yellow tang. We want your opinion because we read nothign but conflicting reports. Reeferman? anything? our tank is 75 gallons and we are just thinking of what to get .. havent actually gotten any fish yet.


Active Member
What other fish will you eventually want? The end result will be all adult fish. Keep that in mind, it's a different story.
My thought might be to find the least aggressive, easy care fish that you want to keep for 5 years or so (they should live that long) and add the most aggrssive fish last.
just an opinion.


What do you think of the kole tangs? They're attractive, and stay smaller than yellows (around 6"). I'm trying a small tomini in my 55.


Active Member
I can't find it now but there was a thread along the lines of what do you most regret having done, or something like that. Yellow Tangs came up a lot.
*They are very easy to stress out
*Get massive parasite infestations every time you look crosseyed at them
*Their temperment can be aywhere from whipped puppy to serial killer.
*lfs resorts to feeding a diet of live brine shrimp, all though they look well fed, they're malnurished.
*Less than one out of every hundred that live long enough to get to a store live more than a year after that.