yellow tang


can i put a yellow tang in a 29 gallon for a year. do you think he will gwo much because the ones at my local fish store have small ones. I plan to get a 55 gallon tank set up by next year. Then he would go in there. Tell me what you think
thanz, andrew


Active Member
Even a very small tang in a 29 for a year is pushing it. While it may survive, it definatly wont thrive.


New Member
I would think you could put a yellow tang in a 29 gal if it was a small one. If it grew too big you could sell it or get a bigger tank. There are a lot of LFS that will take trade ins if it got too out of hand.


Active Member
It's totally fine. They grow in moderation, and I had one in a 20 for a while. Ya, let him grow with you. take all the pics you can, lol. Dont wanna miss his first run in with the side of the tank or those first few strokes of his fins, lol. 29 is good for a year, then definitely a 55. I have a 55, my yellow tang is doing fine. he loves it. They will live 2-3 years I think. Have fun:joy:


I have had my yellow tang (4") in a 29g since last october. He is very active, eats like a horse, and fully spreads his fins constantly(hence I don't believe he's stressed). I am moving him and my other fish into my new 75 gallon reef tank that finished cycling about a month ago, but, point being, he should be fine for a while.


Active Member
I personally wouldn't do it. How about you get a fish that will fit and get the tang later when you do have the 55.:joy:


yea true but im going to get him and see if it works out if not then my lacal arby's will take him because they have a 1000 gallon.