Yellow Tang?


Picking up a baby Yellow tonight for the LFS. What sorts of food does this fish really like? Thanks:happy:


the food it will get in a tank bigger than 29gal.
dont do it, if its going into the 29.
not fair to fish.
yellow angel (lemon) will do better.:eek:


Don't worry is going in my 1000G lagoon in the basement. :rolleyes:
-65 gallon coming in one month....its the only healthy one in the store so I want to get this one rather than a skinny one with lateral line erosion.


I don't want to get in a tang fight i will just tell you what mine likes to eat.
I give mine a strip of brown nori every other day. Get the dries, not the roasted. He loves the stuff and attacks it as soon as i put it in. I also give him shrimp, flake, brine, plankton, and algae pellets. He isn't too fussy and is growing like a weed. See if there are an asian grocery stores in your area. You can get a lifetime supply of the nori for about ten bucks.


New Member

Originally posted by Mongoose
Don't worry is going in my 1000G lagoon in the basement. :rolleyes:

Oyam was just trying to be helpful.
Yellow Tangs do best in tanks at least 6 feet long. A 65 gallon tank is marginal at best and the 29 just isn't a good idea at all. Why not at least wait a few months until the 65 is set up, cycled and somewhat stable?

master 33

lol 1000G lagoon. Watch out! Becasue in the "wild" they can get up to two feet long and eat small children!

Yeah a 30 gal is a little too small but 6 feet is overkill. I have had one in a 3 ft 40G for months now and he is doing great.


Active Member
i think yellows can be in smaller systems myself, like a 55 gallon tank i think a yellow would live just fine and be happy if hes not crowded. alot of online sites say for a yellow tang 50 gallons+ so there is no law, i have one in my 72 and hes a hoss thanks
so to all the tangpolice out there i would like to direct you to mr Ice T

bang guy


Originally posted by Master 33
Yeah a 30 gal is a little too small but 6 feet is overkill. I have had one in a 3 ft 40G for months now and he is doing great.

If you've seen the behavior difference between 4 feet of tank and 6 feet of tank you would probably change your mind. A couple of months? Sorry, I hope your Tang does great, but a couple of months is an insignificant amount of time for a fish that lives 40 - 50 years.


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
If you've seen the behavior difference between 4 feet of tank and 6 feet of tank you would probably change your mind. A couple of months? Sorry, I hope your Tang does great, but a couple of months is an insignificant amount of time for a fish that lives 40 - 50 years.

Yellow tangs live 40-50 years? whoa i never knew that, where did you read this at, i would love to see it.


Active Member
A tang can live even longer in the wild, they just have much much shorter spans in a captured environment. A tang in a small tank is kind of like putting your dog on a 3 foot chain and wondering why he is not happy


Active Member

Originally posted by GreatfullReefer
A tang can live even longer in the wild, they just have much much shorter spans in a captured environment. A tang in a small tank is kind of like putting your dog on a 3 foot chain and wondering why he is not happy

so a big tank would be like your dog on a 6 ft chain? i have a yellow in my 72 he seems happy as can be for not schooling in the wide open ocean. its really kinda apples and oranges either way

master 33

I have had the tang since he was a baby. Its been five months now and he's great. Eats everything I feed and has grown to 3 inches now. When I bought him he was under 2 inches. Anyway my lfs has several large tanks with yellow tangs in them and I dont see any difference in the activity.

tony detroit

Active Member
I saw a big difference when I put tangs from my 180gal in my 300gal beheavior and fighting/swimming wise. I feel bad for putting my tang in a 55gal when I first started the hobby.


New Member
I have a 55 gallon tank set up now for about 5 weeks and have 2 damsels in it that seem to be doing good. Today I bought a yellow tang and was wondering what else would be good to put in my tank. Thanks so much for any info.