yellow tang


yesterday i noticed my yellow tang had small brown dots on him. Anyone ever seen that before.(I have a 265 reef) My ocellaris have been spawning the past month, water par. are perfect.


Do a search on Black Ich and see if it is that. I don't have a tang myself, but I have heard about that. Hopefully someone that knows something about it will help you.


there is a treatment in desease forum for blach ich (check it out.) formalin bath.
i have controlled it recently on my yellow with soaking the food in fresh chopped garlic for at least 10 mins, a UV sterilizer and time, Others may disagree with this methods im just saying mine was here stayed a week and is now gone. probably still in my tank waiting to attack again im sure but for now im good. i could not get him out to do the treatment other wise i would have, and planned on doing it this weekend but then this weekend it was all gone so im buying time and crossing fingers.
good luck