Yellow tang


I have been told and read about as many yes's as no's on this question. So what ever your answer's are is what im going with so here goes. Can I keep 1 yellow tang in a 55 gallon tank I have 2 clowns and some snails and crabs can I buy one of these or not?


Active Member
Yes, BUT, not the best condition for it. It will outgrow a 55g over time if you start with a healthy small one and the tank is healthy too.


Active Member
Yep, as long as you are willing to upgrade or you know of a bigger tank you can definitely relocate it to.


Active Member
I pretty much agree. I say if you get a 1-1/2"-2" fish, that should be ok in there for two years max.


Staff member
Tangs need space to realize their need to swim hard. There is no way to do that in a 55.

nm reef

Active Member
I agree that any of the tangs would be better off in a 6' long has been my personal experience that they can do well in smaller systems for a couple of years if care is taken to avoid overstocking and if the systems are properly maintained. That said.....a yellow or a kole would be reasonable choices for a well designed and maintained 55 but the conditions would not be ideal for long term care and that should be a major consideration before making the decission...long term care. I kept my regal in a 55 for about a year and a half and he's been in my 100 for just over 2 years....I expect he'll be around a bit longer. mentioned tangs need room to roam and they often do not fair well in smaller it is not a good can be done...and there have been success...but care absolutely needs to be taken to insure they are properly maintained systems first and foremost....and secondarily there should be a definitive plan in place for larger accomodations as the tang grows.