Yellow Tang


New Member
Ok so i added a third tang to my mix, I had a blue tang and a yellow tang before and the yellow tang has been giving the blue tang a bit of trouble here and there. But nothing severe, I added another tang, cant remember name now but its black and white with a little yellow i think, and spines or stuff at the top fin. Any way I am not currently at the tank but the new tang which is 6 days old in the tank, seems to be swimming on its side, and upside down. My chemicals and stuff is good in the tank right now. I think at most my amonia is at like .25 ppm thats the highest chemical. So i dont think its that. But the yellow tang has been picking on this newer tang for most of its time in my tank. Could the potential lose of this fish be related to the fish being attacked so much by the yellow tang?


Active Member
your new fish i believe is a fox face,,and yes probably the yellow tang is picking on it,,,i wouldnt recommend to many tangs in a tank,,i have a red sail fin and he picks on my fox face all the time, the fox face has learned to stay out of the sail fins way,,, ,,will good luck with your fish, i hope they can work things out,,,,have a good day.


New Member
tank is 125, and has been set up for about 4 months now. The only thing that changed was last week added the tang.