Yellow Tang


Please help, My yellow tang has a bacterial infection. Looked under the forum that beth posted about it and that is for sure what he has..... red around his anal fin and up around but under his top and bottom fin. Any ideas on how to treat him?
I have some Mytracin? spelling is prob off on that med.
Please help~


Active Member
if you have live rock you can use melafix, if not you could go for the maracyn, try maracyn 2 bio spheres from mardel, good antibiotic. Good Luck


Active Member
Check your pH first. Low pH can bring this on. Sometimes a couple of large water changes using well aged/aerated saltwater can do the trick. Otherwise, antibiotic therapy is indicated. Do you have a quarantine tank?


the maracyn antibiotics are gram dependent. so if you tried dosing over a few days with maracyn, you might try maracyn two.