yellow tang


Active Member
Yes, bad idea. Any tang would not really be well suited long term for a nano. I would stick with the smaller fish, that most of us have in our tanks i.e.clowns, firefish, gobies, etc.


Originally Posted by subielover
Yes, bad idea. Any tang would not really be well suited long term for a nano. I would stick with the smaller fish, that most of us have in our tanks i.e.clowns, firefish, gobies, etc.

what about the tiny version of the tangs? is there really a difference


yea it says that ther is a littler version of of a yellow tang it gets about 1-2inches or something like that and i have a small version of a blue hippo and its been doing wonderfully


Active Member
tiny version? i think someone is blowing smoke up your butt. far as i know there i no smaller version of a blue hippo tang or any tang for that matter.. i think your mistaking the arival size of the fish for maximun length. If you order a tang from this site that says its 1-2" that means when you get it it will be 1-2" long desnt mean it will not still grow to 6-8 inches.


Active Member
do tang patroll like to keep an eye on the nano section?...if u watch tangs swim in a hige tank u'll realize that these fish need and deserve long tanks to roam and graze on algea allday...
dude mscenter58 ur a total noob if u thought there was a tiny version of yellow tangs what is there a magical potion
that makes them stay tiny hahahahahahahh