yellow tang.


New Member
I woke up this morning and my yellow tang was floating. He was still alive but barely. I checked out my water parameters and everything checked out ok.
Temp 80
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5-10
Ph 8.2
Salinity 1.022-23
He looked healthy before and was swimming and eating great, had him for about 3 to 4 months, color was still good. My other fish are still good, 2 clowns and 2 damsels. I think I might have fed him a bad peace if romaine lettuce.
Any suggestions?


New Member
well, local fish stores dont really know anything around my area thats why i come to this board.. I just cant figure out what caused this..


Do you see any damage on his body? Does he have spots, redness, cloudy eyes, torn fins, anything like that? Is he gilling rapidly?


New Member
He might of looked like he was turning alittle brownish but barely, i could have just been seeing things but he was as healthy as can be the day before.. I think he might of ate something bad.


Originally Posted by gforce30
He might of looked like he was turning alittle brownish but barely, i could have just been seeing things but he was as healthy as can be the day before.. I think he might of ate something bad.
Did you wash the lettuce? They usually have pesticide on it.


I don't see anything else that may be a problem with the lettuce if it was washed. Have you checked for stray current? Tangs are sensitive.


New Member
Do you have a stray voltage rod? You said he has a little brown stuff on him or something like it get a magnifying glass... it almost sounds like velvet cause when it happens the fish die fast like in 24-36 hrs. QT him immediately if you havent yet. And did you QT him before?


New Member
I did QT him last night but sad to say he died this morning.. Now, what is this velvet thing and what it caused from?
Thanks for all the advise..


Sorry for your loss.Velvet is a pretty bad disease.I would wait for our disease experts to help you out.But if it is indeed velvelt,you might need to treat your dt.


Velvet is a parasite. It infests the gills of the fish first. When it reaches the body you would see a powdery white- gold/white substance on the fish. By that point it is almost too late to save the fish. What you describe does not sound like velvet.
I am sorry for your loss.


Quick question about velvelt.If you see it on a fish,but then the next day it is gone,could it be velvet then.


Originally Posted by KQ25
Quick question about velvelt.If you see it on a fish,but then the next day it is gone,could it be velvet then.
No. By the time that you actually see velvet on their body, they are infested. It is a difficult disease to deal with because you often lose a fish before you realize that it is there. Always look your fish over for any redness by the gills, rapid gilling, abnormal behaviors, etc.


Not trying to steal this thread.But my clownfish had like a patch of white on one side of his gills.But then today the patch was gone,and now he only has a few whites spots on the other side from where the white patch was.I am currently treating for ich,but just wondering what it is.


Originally Posted by KQ25
Not trying to steal this thread.But my clownfish had like a patch of white on one side of his gills.But then today the patch was gone,and now he only has a few whites spots on the other side from where the white patch was.I am currently treating for ich,but just wondering what it is.
You may want to start your own thread and we can help you out with whatever issues are going on.
If the patch was slimy looking it is likely the increased mucus layer produced to try to get the parasites off of the fish's body.