Yellow Tang ?


New Member
Well I thought I did a lot of preventative research before setting up my saltwater tank, but I guess not after reading several of the posts on here. I am definitely a newbee! I've had my tank set up for 6 months now (40gal long, 40lbs LR and 1-2 in of substrate). I my first fish was a juvenile volitan lionfish. Over the course of another month I added a CC starfish and a small yellow tang. Well.... my yellow tang developed a blood infection. I treated it and he looks better now. The lion fish started to get cloudy eyes and then they both developed what I believed to be ich. I went to my LFS for treatment and they gave me something(copper free) and three days later my lionfish died, UGH!. Now my tang has a white coating on it and it like to swim right in front of the power head. It is still eating. I do not have a QT tank. I understand now the importance of one! Any suggestions from this point? My parameters are:
PH 8.2
Temp 80/82 degrees
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 20-40
SG 1.020
I have been doing small water changes twice a week because I did have a large spike in Nitrates. Oh yeah and a cycle of red slime algae.
Like I said, Definitely a NEWBEE.


Active Member
First Welcome to Saltwater fish, Unfortaunatly a Lion Fish and a yellow tang DO NOT belong in a 40 here is a rule for tangs "Just keep swimmin" A 40 gallon long does not provide the room. You had the biggest type of lion. You also cant keep a lion. Do you have a reef. What do you have for CUC do you have sand or Cushed Coral. What is your ammonia ammonia is probibly what is causing these infections because your bioload can not support a tang and a lion. but now its just the tang it a tang still produces a large amount of waste. What do you feed do you get them at *****. How long did you wait to get fish


New Member
The 40 gal tank was only temporary, I intend on going larger. I did do some research. Anyway, the bottom is crushed coral. It is a reef tank. I brought is a water sample to my LFS and they said everything was good except for my nitrates which I alrady knew. I am feeding the tang seaweed, krill and pellets. He is eating fine. He just has this white coating on him and his dorsal and tail fins look brittle. There are no other tank mates except for the CC starfish so I know he isn't getting attacked. Would a freshwater dip help?
Oh, I did actually get the tang at *****. Don't ususally shop there but just happened to be there. The lionfish was from a specialty pet store. I waited close to 2 months before I put anything except hermit crabs in. I have a protien skimmker and a marineland filter.


Active Member
Ok the tang I would take out and trade it for somthing else it might survive in a 40 but is unlikly when do you plan on an upgrade and how big you can buy from ***** but need to qt EVERYTHING FOR ATLEAST 2 MONTHS from *****


New Member
Not going to upgrade for a couple more months. I need life to settle down for a bit first :) I didn't know LFS trade fish. Do you have an idea of his condition now?


New Member
It doesn't look like slime. It's a white "fuzzy" covering. I will post pictures later this evening?


Yeah...if it is fuzzy and cottony like...lymphocystis could be it
google pics and see if it looks like it