Yellow Tangs in a 8' 240g tank?


Active Member
I want to use Yellow Tangs as dither fish in my big Agg tank with Lion, groupers, and eel.
I know 1 is normally all you can do, but I also read 3-5 will work. With an 8' length and 300lbs of LR, do they have enough room to get along?


Active Member
They do best in odd numbers, so if you want to go with a school do 3 or 5, its big enough that there shouldnt be too much competition


Active Member
Not sure I would do 5, but 3 would work really well. Your other fish are real polluters, as are tangs. I would only do 3 not to over whelm your protein skimmer. They should love the 8' tank, good for you!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by rbrockm1
i would do 3 before i would do 5. imo
the problem if u did 3 b4 5 and added the 2 after they would be singled out by the 3 and killed


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
the problem if u did 3 b4 5 and added the 2 after they would be singled out by the 3 and killed
I don't think that's what rbrockm1 meant.
Groupers are pretty fast, I'd be worried they'd catch a tang.