I want to use Yellow Tangs as dither fish in my big Agg tank with Lion, groupers, and eel.
I know 1 is normally all you can do, but I also read 3-5 will work. With an 8' length and 300lbs of LR, do they have enough room to get along?
Not sure I would do 5, but 3 would work really well. Your other fish are real polluters, as are tangs. I would only do 3 not to over whelm your protein skimmer. They should love the 8' tank, good for you!!
Originally Posted by rbrockm1
i would do 3 before i would do 5. imo
the problem if u did 3 b4 5 and added the 2 after they would be singled out by the 3 and killed
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
the problem if u did 3 b4 5 and added the 2 after they would be singled out by the 3 and killed
I don't think that's what rbrockm1 meant.
Groupers are pretty fast, I'd be worried they'd catch a tang.