Yellow Tangs


Does anyone know what other fish can usually be kept with yellow tangs? This would be in a 40 gallon f/o aquariuim.
a yellow tang in a 40 gallon may work for a while, but when it get's bigger it will hafe to move to a bigger tank, or you will hafe to get rid of it. I'd get a yellow tang about 2 or 3 in., a coral beauty 3 in.


How about a nice clown? For more suggestions take a look at the compatability chart "saltwater" provides off their homepage.


I'd like to suggest that the tang should be the LAST fish in your tank. They can and will be agressive to new tank arrivals after the tang. If the tank is large enough, this might not apply, but it is something to consider. --Bob


I have a 55gal reef tank with a yellow tang, two damsels (i'd like to get them out! :mad: ) an African pigmy angel, a royal gramma and a CB shrimp. Everything has been very nice and quiet. Because of the size (I suppose) the tang is the boss but he has not been aggressive with any other fish. I also have a mimic (yellow) tang in a different tank and it has been a quiet, hardy and nice fish.
The only problem I am aware (and have observed) is when there is more than one tang in the same tank. ;)


I hate yellow tangs. They are real jerks. They beat up on everything else. They look very nice but have bad attitudes. mine tang is getting evicted(sp?)