Is a 40 Gallon tank acceptable for a Yellow Tang? (Planning on 50-60 pounds of LR).
These are the fish I most likely will be purchasing....
2x Percula Clowns (False or True... doesn't matter to me)
Pygmy Angel
3x Neon Goby
Purple Firefish
Royal Gramma
Yellow Tang
I know that the Neon Gobies do not get large... Well, none of those fish get even medium sized except the Yellow Tang. If the Yellow is not suitable for a 40G, is a Kole Tang ok?
These are the fish I most likely will be purchasing....
2x Percula Clowns (False or True... doesn't matter to me)
Pygmy Angel
3x Neon Goby
Purple Firefish
Royal Gramma
Yellow Tang
I know that the Neon Gobies do not get large... Well, none of those fish get even medium sized except the Yellow Tang. If the Yellow is not suitable for a 40G, is a Kole Tang ok?