Yellow Tangs


Is a 40 Gallon tank acceptable for a Yellow Tang? (Planning on 50-60 pounds of LR).
These are the fish I most likely will be purchasing....
2x Percula Clowns (False or True... doesn't matter to me)
Pygmy Angel
3x Neon Goby
Purple Firefish
Royal Gramma
Yellow Tang
I know that the Neon Gobies do not get large... Well, none of those fish get even medium sized except the Yellow Tang. If the Yellow is not suitable for a 40G, is a Kole Tang ok?


Active Member
Your tank is not suited to any species of tang. They simply require more space. I'd actually pare down the rest of the list as well. Stick to 3 or 4 of those fish. It's not a big tank so stock conservatively, particularly if you're planning a reef.


Every coral has some form of chemical warfare, its just that some are more 'armed' then others.


The chemical warfare thing is most often referring to mixing hard and soft corals. Hard corals don't emit the chemical, softies do, and some more than others. For example I had a devils hand (or finger, always get them confused) and every time I even looked at it wrong it would start to smoke at it's base. It wouldn't stop for like 5 minutes!! I had to give it away. But my Capnella has thus far been very safe. So, it really depends on the coral.:)


And about the tang....NO!! Please don't put a tang in that sized tank. :)


Hards dont emit chemicals but they do have sweepers, which sting other corals. I guess its not really chemical warfare but its still armed in some way.


whoa......thats a lot of fish there, in my opinion, even without the yellow tang, that's too much. juss want to help you out. :D


please take the advice about a tang, or any tang. I cannot survive in such a small environment, you would be wasting your money also.


In my opinion, also, that is too many fish. The tangs are not suitable for your tank as it is too small. A tang would not survive in that environment for very long.


I would stick to about 4 - 5 fish total in a tank that size, and please, don't go out and buy them all at once! Do not put a tang of any kind in a tank less than 100 gallons, some have to have an even bigger tank! Research on the corals to see what will get along. Mushrooms will not fight amongst themselves, but cannot touch other corals. Also, make sure that any fish that you do get won't munch on the corals! And don't forget about a clean up crew!