Yellow Wachman loosing color


Hello fellow reefers!!
I have had a Yellow Watchman for about 5 months now and recently he has started loosing his yellow color. He still eats and looks healthy, except for his color. He also has a Pistol friend that he likes to hang out with.....

I feed formula 1 & 2, Myssis shrimp, gourmet reef, reef plankton, live DT's and krill. All soaked in either liquid vitamins, or zoe..... And I don't feed all of this at once!!
Any ideas on how to get his color back or why he is loosing it?????



I had the same problem with my yellow watchman. He started turning white before I moved him from my 12 gallon aquapod to my 55 gallon. Once I moved him his color improved then the next day he was white again. Water parameters were fine. He is ok now. Never found out why he was doing this. I have been watching your thread to get answers myself.


Active Member
If it is changing to grey/blue it is turning female. Get a smaller yellow one and you will have a pair. They will probably mate in the burrows though doubtful any young will survive, but never know.