yellow wachmen or lmb...that is the question.



What is a lmb? I personally really like yellow watchman gobies. They always seem to have comical personalities.


Active Member
LMB are probably IMO one of the greatest fish in the hobby. A ridiculous amount of personality and quite quirky.
However . . . . doomed to starve in a 30 gallon unless you really work at getting it to eat prepared foods. Mine almost starved before I traded him to a huge tank.

Active Member
daniel LMB is lawnmower blenny
balashark as for the yellow watchman goby have never had one but that is about to change and LMB are great and very funny.


LMB is a great fish with lots of personality. But it's hard to keep them fed in a small tank. They get pretty big also. Mine was a real aggressive feeder. He ate all kinds of prepared food. But he still starved to death. I really think they need to be in a larger tank with lots of algae growth.


I think so. Maybe someone with more experience could help you. I think one of the problems is that they prefer to graze all day long. So you need some kind of set up where they can do that. Also, the time and patience to consistently feed them, however you do that.


Active Member

Originally posted by balashark21
but they can eat algea sheets you bye at the store right?

Mine wouldnt . . . he wouldnt even eat formula II fozen cubes.


As far as feeding. I have two lawnmowers, one in each tank, and there is absolutely nothing that either one of them won't eat. Flake, frozen, well as algae. And they have wonderful personalities......They are always in center stage so to speak.......would recommend them.