Yellow Watchman Gobby


So I bought a gobby yesterday and hides all day long untill I feed him and I was wondering if he will get use to the tank and just chill some times cause he seems real scared and was all alone when I bought him so I just want to know any ones experince with this fish.


Active Member
They do like a cave to feel secure. If not threatened by tankmates they should sit at the entrance to their "home". As long as he is'nt being intimidated by other fish he should do fine. Give him time.


Active Member
Ywllow watchman usually hide out under the rocks or just peek their head out from under rocks, and they're scavengers so they dont usually swim around much for food


Active Member
Originally Posted by nYgel
wats teh minimum tank size for these?
I would think that they should be okay in a 20 or even a little smaller.


Active Member
thats wat i read, i have a 10, but shoudl be upgrading to a 30 or 40 in the next half year


The yellow watchman is a small gobie, only reaches about 2-3 inches. Heisnotoneof the larger ones. They do hide constantly, but will come out at night to search for food if you sit around till 2 or 3 am and watchyour tank!! I had one for years and he picked a hole under a rock in the back of the tank. I rarely saw him and he never grew over a couple of inches though he ate well.


It must be a different species. My Fish book says it reaches a maximum of 3 inches in the aquarium??? and mine stayed small.


Active Member
No,it was a yellow watchman. As I said it takes years and proper conditions for them to reach their full size. I have also seen them at the wholesaler's pretty big, I'm talking 6-7". I have had mine for about two years or so, and they are only a few inches like yours.


So he comes out more often now and I got a big cave he chills in front of. The funny things is I thought he would hang out with my shrimp, but he sleeps with my two firefish its a trip I didn't think that would happen.