Yellow watchman goby or Lawnmower blenny



I want one of these, does anyone know what type care they require? I currently have 3 damsels, a yellow tang and a few hermits. I also have some xenia, kenya and shrooms. thanks !


Don't have a lawnmower but I do have yellow watchmans, and they are easy keepers. They can be skidish and scoot off and hide at any new outside tank movements, but for the most part they basically set there and watch the world goby. I play with mine by poking a finger at it, and it takes off and dissapears only to come out at another spot and starat to look again. I poke my finger at him there andhe off and comes up where he ws at to begin with. But all hiding is over once I throw a bit of food in the tank........They are not a very active fish but they are interesting. Mine eats anyhting i put in the tank.


i personally like and have lmb and he has a very unique personality and is very active and fun to watch


Active Member
i have both and they are great very easy fish. the lmb just cleans my tank and eats algae and the ywg eats frozen food. both great fish


i also have both my blenny keeps my tank very clean and he is fun to watch. if you get a watchman you might try a pistol shrimp with him they make a good pair.


Active Member
Originally Posted by summerdaze
are these fish reef safe? thanks
blenny is much more active and likely to hold its own with the fish you have. YWG just look better. LMB will also help with algae while YWG will just look pretty. Perhaps I sound a little bias


Mine's a 90. I worried that the two would be close in size & shape and might be aggresive towards each other. It would be great to have them both!


I have a diamond watchman goby that has the most awesome personality! I couldn't stand him at first as they're not really pretty fish! He goes around and picks up all the shells and puts them in front of his little cave. The zebra crabs don't especially care for this and immediately run off. I watched this occur the other night and the goby went after him and brought him back! LOL!


New Member
Daimonds are pretty fish, beautiful gold/blue on white..........I also have both fish in my tank- (Lawnmower/Diamond) and they both do a great job, one on the aquarium walls, the other the aquarium substrate. they also do not fight when they cross paths and get along.