yellow watchman goby


I currently have a small spotted dragonet...can I keep a yellow watchman goby.
I also have a coral banded and 2 peppermint shrimp...can I keep a pistol shrimp.
55 gal reef tank


you really shouldn't have to much of an issue with that combo i think, 55 gives a nice amount of room for both. My watchman goby only picked on the dragonet when it came close to his tunnel other than that they were fine my only concern is that the 55 might not provide enuff food for the manderin. hopefully you have a refuge and can supply the manderin with the proper nutrition. also a quick note my watchman was a crazy pod killer so both of them together might not be a good idea unless you have a crazy live rock setup with a fuge.


agreed on food for the dragonet. My ywg will eat anything, though. I also have a cbs and a pistol shrimp in my 44 gallon and they don't seem to pay any attention to each other.