Yellow watchman goby


I have read that these are fairly hardy fish. I purchased one from this site over 3-weeks ago and it died during acclimation. It was pretty small, so I didn't think much of it. (All the other fish & inverts were perfectly fine and are still good). So I placed another order late last week and tried for another Yellow Watchmen. This one was about 2x as large and very healthy looking. I acclimated for almost 3-hours and put into QT. Yesterday afternoon, he wasnt looking so good, and this morning I found him dead. What's the deal? I have several other fish in QT that are perfectly fine and eating great. Water parameters are good, so I dont think that is the issue. I have ordered quite a few fish and these were the only 2 that didn't survive. Has anyone else had this problem with gobies?


I have never had a problem with any yellow watchmen gobies. How are you aclimating it? have you fallow step by step aclimation example in this site? What other fish are in your tank? whats the temperature in your tank?


I have have always had one in each of my tanks, and presently have two in the same tank. Thay spend the entire time side by side and live under one of my peices of live rock. They are a pretty hearty fish. I suspect that you have a night time preditor lerking. Do you by chance have a coral banded shimp?


I used the drip method to acclimate (same as this site). Tank temp has been between 77-78F every time I have checked.
There are no shrimp or crabs currently in this tank.
Other fish currently in 40 gallon QT:
2 False Percula clowns
1 Jawfish
1 Royal Gramma
1 Very small Kole Tang


Active Member
I guess post water parameters... you're doing everything right.
I'm like the others here... these fish are tough as nails. I've had one in my [severely] neglected nano for years.. he's a great little fish.
One thing you might consider... I can't remember the exact science behind it, but when fish are shipped, opening the bag can cause a severe ammonia spike in the water in the bag. Acclimating too slowly can leave the fish in this elevated ammonia environment too long, causing gill burn which results in death within hours to days.
If this is a fish you ordered online, I'd consider placing a few drops of Seachem Prime into the bag or acclimation container immediately to neutralize any ammonia that has built up. I do this with every fish nowadays after losing two Emperor angels in succession to ammonia.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
I guess post water parameters... you're doing everything right.
I'm like the others here... these fish are tough as nails. I've had one in my [severely] neglected nano for years.. he's a great little fish.
One thing you might consider... I can't remember the exact science behind it, but when fish are shipped, opening the bag can cause a severe ammonia spike in the water in the bag. Acclimating too slowly can leave the fish in this elevated ammonia environment too long, causing gill burn which results in death within hours to days.
If this is a fish you ordered online, I'd consider placing a few drops of Seachem Prime into the bag or acclimation container immediately to neutralize any ammonia that has built up. I do this with every fish nowadays after losing two Emperor angels in succession to ammonia.
IMO Most of the time acclimating fish is achieved successfully with the drip method. However, depending on how long the live stock has been bagged for, there are things to consider if your live stock repeatedly die from acclimation shock. If the fish has been bagged for longer than 24hrs there is a major reaction that happens the moment you open the bag. The rapid escape of CO2 and the rapid introduction of O2 causing major pH swings along with increasing ammonia toxicity. There were a few articles I read a while back with some tips, pointers and ideas with acclimating fish that have been bagged for certain lengths of time. Methods included the typical drip method for some scenarios and in other instances 20 min temp acclimation and add the fish immediately to your QT was stated too. Weighing out the pros and cons of the fishes health depending on the time spent bagged conclusions were based on what method would increase the fishes success rate. Although none proved to be 100% successful...


Im starting the think the ammonia thing might be the problem. One of the clowns is acting weird. He has his gills flared and is breathing fairly fast. This clown was acclimated at the same time as the goby.
Only three of the fish were introduced into the QT on Friday.
The watchman, one clown and the kole tang. The other fish have been in QT for three weeks already. The fish that have been in QT for three weeks are eating like pigs and very heathly. Now that the new clown is acting sick, Im getting worried. Is there anything I can do to help him out, if his gills are burned? Also how long can I expect before the tang comes down with the same symptoms? So far it is eating well and browsing around.
Water parameters are:
8.3 PH
0 Ammonia
0 trites
10-15 trates
1.025 SG


I have a yellow watchmen and he is pretty hardy! Trust me for just staring out and learning myself he has been awesome! I bought him and my scooter blenny together from my LFS when I bought them. They were in the same tank together and since I love both species and couldn't decide who I wanted I bought both! There both the smaller sized.
I am in the opposite boat that you are though. I have the watchmen doing good swimming around, eating, lurking on the rocks, bottom and swimming. He comes to see me even when I am in the room.
Sorry to the change of fish subject here. My scooter however I say is broken LOL. He hides in the cracks of the rock on the sand floor and I don't often see him unless searching for him. He is skinny looking to me though and I am not sure if he is eating cause I can't or have not seen him do so like the goby. He won't scoo the rocks either, hence the he is brok part LOL. I dunno what to do!