Yellow Watchman Goby??


Active Member
I have a yellow watchman goby and I am really considering taking him out. I never see him and since I only have a 29 gallon tank I cant have many fish in there. I want a lawnmower blenny, but from what I heard he could be aggresive to the similar shaped goby. I would like to know a good way to take the goby out???


Good will be next to impossible without removing the majority of the rock. You can try feeding and grabbing him with the net once he comes out.

bang guy

Get a 32 gallon rubbermaid trash can, drain all the water, pull the fish out, pump all the water back in.


Active Member
I have a pink spot watchman and a lawnmower. They ignore each other. Of course, added them at the same time.
Good Luck!

bang guy


Originally posted by Melody
Are Scooter Blennies and Yellow Head Jawfish compatible??:confused:

Completely compatible.


Active Member
Do you think that I could put another type of goby in there like an orange striped goby would that open my watchman up and not be so shy or would they not be compatible. I saw darwn84 he had 3 or 4 gobies in his tank...


I have a striped dragon goby and a blue cheeked goby. the dragon was shy but when i put the blue cheeked in he came out more. I would reccomend blue cheeked because they are so friendly and they bring out the other fishes personality


Active Member
If you wanted to add another, I would say it would have to be 2 others. This way if any fighting does ensue, it will be spread out, but be sure to get ones that are as dissimilar in color and pattern, but have the same overall size.