Yellow watchman Hypo question please answer


I am new here but have had my tank up since Dec. 04... My question to anyone since no one answered it in the disease forum is can I add the goby as I am hypoing my tank???
Here is the backround on the tank... Bought a Angel from the fist store as soon as the drip was done and was in the tank my lights showed a bunch of white spots covering it which are ick, I was gone for about 2 hours when he did. Now a week later my whole tank has ick and I am hypoing it. Before the ick turned up I ordered a goby and since then have placed in the QT tank. I want to place him in the main tank as I am hypoing it as the fish that are in there have lost the white spots and are acting normal...
I am going to keep hypoing for about 3 more weeks but can I add him in there so if he has anything he can be treated along with the other fish? Please answer as my other thread was not answered.
180 gallon
FOWLR(QT tank right now)
SG: is at .9 where it should be
PH: was 8.3 now at 8.2


Active Member
Best to QT the goby seperate because it could have something and then youd just have to do the main tank you should have done the angle.
Hypo and QT time should be 6 weeks.


Dogstar is, if the Goby were to bring anything "bad" into the tank, you would have to start the clock all over again. I got the impression from your previous post that your live rock was in the hypo tank. Hypo will kill everything in the rock if that's the case.


Everything that can be effected is in the QT tank... Live rock, crabs, snails, and goby... I was going to drip the goby for about 4 hours into the main tank incase he may have something attached to him...
I just wanted to know if I should put in him the main tank so he can be treated under Hypo since the other fish seem to be doing alot better.

nemo's mom

Your salinity should be at 1.009 not .9. I also don't think that crabs or snails would still be alive if you're truly doing hypo. Are you using a refractometer or hydrometer?


Originally Posted by Nemo's Mom
Your salinity should be at 1.009 not .9. I also don't think that crabs or snails would still be alive if you're truly doing hypo. Are you using a refractometer or hydrometer?
Thats what I meant .009 its in my other post... I never said the crabs and snails were in the main tank they are in the QT tank... I am treating the main tank. I am using the refractometer... And yes I am truly doing hypo on my main tank with fish only, nothing else.