I am just wondering what requirements you must do when you are taking care of a yellow wrasse. And for those who kept them, please tell me the experience you had when you had your yellow wrasse.
I stand behind what I told you in the other thread.
But I'll add a few pieces of advice.
If you put one in make sure you want it, because you'll never get it out alive. It'll go deep in your sand bed and you'll basically have to remove all rocks and disturb the entire sand bed to get it out. I had to move mine from a 65gal to a 150gal and it was the hardest fish I ever had to catch.
Also, make sure you have a cover on your tank because wrasses are jumpers.
That's Ok about the tank moving thing. I am not planning on moving it to a different tank. But, I do have another question. How long does the wrasse's semi-hibernation take before the yellow wrasse is out and about in the tank. I know it depends on the wrasse itself, but I want to know how long it took for aquarists who ever had one.
Mine was out the first day, it never hid in the sand. it just goes under every night and comes out in the morning.
BUT!!!! When I put in my sohal tang, that must have really freaked out the yellow wrasse because he went under the sand and didn't come out for 2 weeks! Then he came out like nothing happened. Not sure why he got freaked out because the sohal never did anything to him. But now everything's fine, they get along.
It's weird in fishkeeping. Fish always get creeped out by each other. Especially yellow wrasses. aren't they always in a state of paranoia? I hear that these wrasses also interact with their owners. How do they interact?