Yellowheaded Jawfish acting weird


New Member
My Jawfish was missing for about a week. I thought maybe a rock had shifted and buried him but I finally found him in the skimmer box. The inside skimmer walls are covered with algae so I didn't see him until tonight.
Here's the weird part. I got him out and put him back in the tank. He keeps swimming along water surface popping his head up out of the water acting like he can't get enough oxygen, in the skimmer he settles to the bottom and sits there nice and calm. He's already jumped back into the skimmer again tonight. He seems to have no interest in going back to his burrow. He appears to be healthy, shows no physical injuries but is probably a little hungry. Prior to his disappearing act everything was normal. He came out of his burrow to feed and I'd see him frequently out looking around at what was going on.
I just tested water parameters and all is normal, actually better than they have been (making slow improvements over time). SG: 1.0225 PH: 8.2 Nitrates: 7ppm Phosphates: 0ppm Temp: 80'F
I also have 5 yellow tail damsels, 2 clowns, yellow tang and an assortment of crabs and snails. I've tried to keep a peaceful tank and so far everyone gets along pretty well. The damsels can be a little feisty at times but not to bad.
Anyone have any ideas why he's acting like this?
Thx, Phil


New Member
After doing a lot of searching I found someone else that had a similar problem. They said their fish went blind and was acting the same as mine (I call him Peek-A-Boo). Theirs also seemed to bump into things as it moved around the bottom like Boo is doing. They tried using Selcon and a higher protein diet and got good results with their fish's eyesight coming back. I primarily use Ocean Nutrition Formula ONE pellets and he goes after them like crazy. I supplement with frozen brine about once a week but I maybe that's not enough.
So here's his current status:
Last night Boo stayed at the top of the tank hiding in a corner for quite some time after I got him out of the skimmer.He definitely seems scared and is probably highly stressed as well. He finally dove to the bottom but bumped into the sand on the way down, he then stayed tight up to the glass and "felt" his way around to an area where I have a bunch of small shells. He seemed to feel somewhat secure there as the Damsels would only come up and check him out but not bother him.
This morning when I checked in on him he has done his best to build a burrow. He's pulled a lot of the shells close to him and has a "funnel" pocket carved in the sand. Its not a true burrow but he's still working on it and if he keeps improving it and the other fish don't bother him I'll leave him there. Otherwise I'll move him to a QT for monitoring and target feeding. I hope increasing the protein diet helps in time.