yellowtail blue damsel/So boring!!


ps help...
What kind of toys should I give to my only yellow tail blue damsel to make him (her) a full member of my 90 gal (5 chromis/2 clowns)??
He's so boring... swimming at the mid-bottom, catching only the food leftover, almost never swimming with the other, never venturing more than a few inches from his hole...
How boring is that?
Thank you

payton 350

Originally Posted by scrapman
So.... What should I do??
He's a fish what do you expect it to do cartwheels..j/k if he's not bothering any fish and no other are picking on him just leave him and let him be....i don't know what else to tell ya


Thank you Payton 350.
You are right.... but I'm a little disappointed by his lack of joining/socializing.


I had a YT damsel for about a year and what you describe is all he/she did. It staked out a nice place and lived to defend its turf. It ate, swam a bit, and hid out in its cave. That was its personality.


Active Member
if i were to get a damsel i'd probably end up getting a yellowtail. a book i have though does say it is better kept in groups or a pair (if you can figure out male/female).


they look really cool in groups and are more active in them too :happyfish


OK I'm going to give him(her) a partner. He's been by himself for 3 weeks. How is he going to accept his new tankmate?


New Member
I started with 5 yellowtail damsels. Eventually two died. I added two more and the three remaining killed them in a day. I guess they didn't want them in their terrority. You might want to add more than one.