yes... another lighting question


eric b 125

i have a 125 with center brace. i want MH, but cant afford a real good fixture and chiller, dont have central air, dont feel like paying a ton on my utilities. i will eventually get MH, when the time is right. until then: i was thinking T5 HO. a few questions...
-what is the difference b/w VHO and T5 HO? i know that T5 HO have a higher lumen output than a VHO, generate less heat, and are more energy efficient, but is the fixture the same?
-can i get two 36" fixtures rather than one 72"?
-i've heard that watts/gal isnt how to determine your lighting, its more of a PAR thing. many of the 36" fixtures i've found are 4X39 so with two of those fixtures i'm only looking at 312 total.
any ideas would be very welcome. thanks.


A vho will not work in the same fixture as a t-5HO. They are different wattages, use different elements and are a different diameter. Also you are correct that PAR is the is the correct way to measure. Watts are a value of usage not output. Just because a fixture is the same wattage does not mean it has the same output. there are a lot of variables. Also since watts is a value of usage means that a 300w of T-5 or VHO or halides use basically the same amount of electricity.
If I were running that tank t-5HO would be the way I would go. Problem with the 125 is its 5 ft long and it has a center brace. Given that most halide reflectors are designed to light a 2x2 ft area you would need three to get consistant par numbers across the whole tank. This is where the center brace plays havoc casting a shadow from the cennter light. I would look for a 4 or 6 bulb T5HO setup with individual reflactors. The 6 bulb would be optimum.


I would say 2x Nova extreme pro 36" T5HO 6x39W fixtures, but your tank is 5' and these would be 6'...

eric b 125

my tank is 72"X18"X23". i cant remember the exact dimentions, but i know fo sho it's a six footer.


Originally Posted by Eric B 125
my tank is 72"X18"X23". i cant remember the exact dimentions, but i know fo sho it's a six footer.
Gotch, not sure why I was thinking it was 5 ft. Same still applies to what I said with the center brace.


on my 125 im doing 6 x 80 watt T5's. 39 watt bulbs dont have very much PAR, the 48" and 60" bulbs are the only way to go. and in a 6 foot tank 48" bulbs dont work, so 60" work almost perfectly.
you can get ballasts, bulbs, reflectors and endcaps for under $500. and you will be able to grow anything.
shoot me a PM and i can give you links.