Yes!!!!!!!!!!! It Finally Ate!!!! Blue Ribbon Eel!!!


Watch him and make sure that your small fish will not be disappearing. I've had mine for about 7 months now, and I believe he ate my diamond watchman, and 2 golden headed gobbies. He ate my yellow watchman in front of my eyes. He doesn't seem to bother clownfish. If I were you I would not keep him with small gobbies, or blennies. Unfortunately I learned the hard and costly way. He doesn't bother any inverts, and I would consider him 100% invert safe.
I don't think the space is an issue, because mine never really moved a lot in my 90g. He usually stayed inside the pvc pipe, and sticks out his head. Now he is in my 24g reef together with 2 clowns, and he seems to be happy there.
It took me a good few days to start him eating. I used a feeding stick, and gold fish to do that. Then I switched him to frozen silversides, and I feed him one every 2-3 days. He only eats when he is inside the pvc. I tried to take it out once, and he would refuse not to eat, so I had to put it back in. I think he feels safe in there and this is the reason why.
When I had my 90g running I had some problems with high phosphates, and high nitrates for a while and he was acting the same(eating). So I don't think that perfect water quality is as important to keep him alive. However we all know that water quality is a key in this hobby.
Make sure that your top is covered, because he will jump out if he finds a big enough hole to squeeze in. When I moved mine to a smaller tank I was doing some cleaning and I caught him while he was jumping out. I was lucky that I was around...
*I wil update my post once he reaches a year in my tank.


Originally Posted by Member007
Watch him and make sure that your small fish will not be disappearing. I've had mine for about 7 months now, and I believe he ate my diamond watchman, and 2 golden headed gobbies. He ate my yellow watchman in front of my eyes. He doesn't seem to bother clownfish. If I were you I would not keep him with small gobbies, or blennies. Unfortunately I learned the hard and costly way. He doesn't bother any inverts, and I would consider him 100% invert safe.
I don't think the space is an issue, because mine never really moved a lot in my 90g. He usually stayed inside the pvc pipe, and sticks out his head. Now he is in my 24g reef together with 2 clowns, and he seems to be happy there.
It took me a good few days to start him eating. I used a feeding stick, and gold fish to do that. Then I switched him to frozen silversides, and I feed him one every 2-3 days. He only eats when he is inside the pvc. I tried to take it out once, and he would refuse not to eat, so I had to put it back in. I think he feels safe in there and this is the reason why.
When I had my 90g running I had some problems with high phosphates, and high nitrates for a while and he was acting the same(eating). So I don't think that perfect water quality is as important to keep him alive. However we all know that water quality is a key in this hobby.
Make sure that your top is covered, because he will jump out if he finds a big enough hole to squeeze in. When I moved mine to a smaller tank I was doing some cleaning and I caught him while he was jumping out. I was lucky that I was around...
*I wil update my post once he reaches a year in my tank.
What kind of clowns do you have and when did you add your BR before or after the clowns.


Originally Posted by Lysol
What kind of clowns do you have and when did you add your BR before or after the clowns.
Percula, and one of them is really small. I added BR after the clowns.
I also tried to add 2 Bagai Cardinals(medium size), and one of them was gone after only couple days. I took the other one back to my LFS... I'll try extra large cardinals when I find them. Hopefully he will leave them alone...


My eel hasn't touched any of my fish.
Mind you nothing in my tank can fit into his mouth, including the few small blue damsels I have. - Either that or he just cant catch them.

My dwarf lion cant even eat my clowns, they're fat!