Yes or no for wet/dry


Active Member
I'm a little confused, my prior fish only tank did very well with the wet/dry. But now I'm reading that it may not be the best for use on a reef system and that it's better to use just LR and refugium (sp). For a 180g tank what would you do? Money really is no object...LOL


if you have the money iwould go with the fuge as it will work alot better. if you want a fuge you can try to diy one out of your wet dry. the wet dry will work but not as well.


Active Member
Making your own fuge out of a 75 is a good idea. Suggestion:
REplace Bioballs with LR Rubble and hook it up along with a refugium.


Active Member
IMO the best filtration for a reef is live rock, live sand, a "good" protein skimmer and a refuge.
I wouldn't replace the bioballs with LR rubble but I would remove them. Adding live rock to the tank will take the place of the wet/dry although you will most likely cycle again.
A 75g refuge on a 180g tank would be nice. I have always found sumps very useful so personally I'd turn the wet/dry into a sump.


What is the different between the 2. Does anyone have pictures of what a Wet/Dry and Fuge/Sump look like. I always thought they were somewhat the same.


Active Member
a wet/dry has bioballs in it. A fuge does not. A fuge has a DSB, macro algea, and other things that would harm/get harmed in your main tank. a refugium is essentilly a refuge for thing to live in.
A wet dry is just a type of filter with bioballs.

