
Hey Guys, My LFS would sell me an oceanic vs the same AGA for $200 more. Is this worth the money? It's an AGA 75 with modern series and an Oceanic 75 with oak cap and stand. Thanxs just a simple Y or N would be nice


Hey it's a Modern Oak Series, Both tanks are pre-drilled reef ready with kits included. The AGA comes with no strip light, Oceanic does come with lights. I have not seen a black seal is this just for visuals?

richard rendos

Active Member
Not worth the difference. Maybe it would have been before AGA bought Oceanic, but now they are the same company. I know Oceanics are still made at a different location, but I don't think there is enough difference in the tanks to warrant the extra money.


I would stay with the Oceanic, and try to get trade-in value on the strip lights and use the $200 you saved to go with better lighting. They are correct that Oceanic is a subsidiary of AGA, and they are now manufactured almost identical. Oceanic glass is even thicker on some models that AGA tanks, making it stronger and less likely to be affected by ambient temperature. Both are excellent aquariums, though.


shadow the Oceanic is more expensive, Also the cabinet in the Oceanic sits 5 inches higher. Also i heard that the oceanic stand is made of solid wood while the AGA is a Laminate. Has this been confirmend?
Thank You


Active Member
Nope... All-glass is solid wood...
you can even get them in solid Oak.. Thats what I have


I would go with the AGA. From what I've heard same company, same glass, same wood. I have AGA bow front and could'nt be happier. Nolofin my tank has the black seal and its AGA i dont see why Oceanic would'nt have it as well.


Active Member
i am gonna go with nolofinwe,
first the stand, the all glass is it wood or laminate??
they do make plastic (for smaller tanks), metal, wood laminates and REAL wood(pine stained or real hard wood is also available), that alone could be a considerable difference, look at the particular tank stand that he is trying to sell you
2d the oceanic, what lighting comes with it?
the all glass may be drilled after market for the overflow, definitely good, but not quite the same as having it factory installed(differtent set ups and also differencees in warranty, b/c drilling glass is not reccomended, i would do it but manufacturers wil void warranty if it is done since it is risky)
also does the price he gave you include anything else different(ie. sump or whatnot) and the lighting alone coould be worth hundreds $$
sorry but just saying yes or no is not easy when there are these variables which could seriously make a difference in my decision, even thought they are owned by the same people. means nothing, when you look at it, for example: the same people who own pontiac also own cadilac, they too do have their differences
i would use either personally but the differences in price generally can be justified to an extent, the real question is HOW IMPORTANT ARE THESE FEATURES TO YOU? some do not care about a real wood stand and sme may not want those lights, b/c they intended to get different lighting and so on


Thanxs, As far as i understood. Unfortunately my LFS does not have anything good on display so i basically shop online, but the tank i have to get at my LFS. I asked for the Modern Series in OAK for the AGA. Now from what i heard i thought this was a laminate wood. The Oceanic is suppose to be solid oak and includes a strip light (no idea what wattage). Both deals come with a canopy/cap , overflow kits, both tanks are drilled by the distrubuter i am assuming since i am getting the reef ready option. The Oceanic gives a 5 year warranty, not so sure about AGA. Oceanic stand sits 4" taller, i like that. Also the cap in the Oceanic gives me 2" more clearence. I am also thinking of getting the new Oceanic reef sump. Has anyone seen or used one of these? So far i am leaning towards the Oceanic the only drawback is the extra $200 and i would have to wait up to a month for the light oak stain.
Sorry for going away from the simple yes or no, nothing is simple in this hobby :)


Active Member
I say go with what you want and what you think would look the best.
$200 wont mean didly squat in a few months when you look at your setup in amazement at what you have done.
Which ever one you are leaning toward now go for it as you will only wonder why you didnt go for it in the first place.
I have a 55 AGA black seal.