Yes or no?

Is it a good idea to add a yellow tang to a 46 gallon tank to reduce the amount of hair algae.
Will it grow to large will it destroy the corals and other critters?
Is it peaceful?
Do you recamend it?
The reason I do not want a larger hermit beside the blue legs is I had three medium sized hermits and I caught one eating my coral. Also they destroyed everything and then they faught to death and the last one just wasted away.
And snails have always died on me.
46 Gallons may be to small for a yellow tang but Why do you have hair algae are your phosephates out of wack?
If you want to get a fish to eat some of it then lawn mower blenny would be a far better choice than a yellow tang.
Really a 46 gallon to small a book I have sayes 50 not to much bigger.
Any way. I have a lawnmower but the thing is so damn lazy it waits for the brine and flakes.
The reason I wanted a yellow tang was for the color and I did a search on hair algae and the yellow tang came up alot for a source to the growing.
My phosphates are only at .1 .
Is that enough for the algae to grow?


I've got a 30gal tank and keep a tang. I buy an Atlantic Blue when they are only 1-2 inches long and plan on keeping him until he's 3 1/2 inches. I've lost one due to it being so young and frail.
I think what I will do is sell the fish back to the lfs once it gets to big and use the money to get a small one.
That or if I come across a healthy angel to eat it I will get that instead.


Active Member
If your looking to buy it for the algae,forget it. Most wont touch hair algae and if they do it wont be significant enough to even notice. They can be nasty towards other fish, are sensetive to poor water conditions, but most wont bother inverts.


I had hair algae but since I added the 2 sally lightfoot crabs with my invert package from this site, I don't have any algae anymore. The bluelegged crabs and the sally's seem to do an excellent job...this is after trying a foxface, a tang and a lawnmower blenny.


I was told that Yellow Tangs do not eat hair algae, but I bought one anyways. 18hrs later, I had no algae other than a green coloring on the 4 rocks that previously had an 1/8th" fuzz on. This is why I now keep a baby Tang in my tank at all times.


You may want to look into maybe adding an urchin. I had one for awhile, pincusion, and it whooped some serious *** on the algea. It was funny to watch too, it would pick up little pieces of rock and stuff and carry around on top. They can be a bit clumsy though, knock small stuff over. Mine liked to pick up a small button polyp I had transplanted, and carry it around. Thats why I traded it. But it did a great job cleaning up.