
salty rick

I looked in the reef tank, and what did I see .....
Eating bubble Algae?
My Emerald Crab, as pretty as you please....
Eating Bubble Algae!!!
Finally!! I finally got one that will eat that nusiance stuff!:D :D

salty rick

They do break the bubbles but the idea is that they eat it faster than the algae can grow. They are there to keep the bubble algae in check. Since they do break the bubbles the algae will continue to propogate. My problem was that the bubble algae that I had continued to grow no matter how carful I was to remove it and it got way out of hand. I mean not just a few bubbles. I had two large pieces of life rock that got covered 2/3 of the way with this stuf. I eventually had to remove the pieces of live rock and scrub them down and rinse them well to get it under control. I had to do something so I took the advice that I read on the board and bought two emerald crabs.