
ok yesterday i went swimming. i jump in without thinking. As im swimming around i realise that my phone is in my pocket.
I get it out and the screen is black and nothing is happening when i hit buttons. $%!&. i put it on the towel and keep swimming. when i go back home i took the backplate off, hit it with a hairdryer and let it sit overnight. when i wake up and go downstairs i look at my phone and it is working fine. yay

p.s i have the motorola slvr


Active Member
You are very lucky. I went to grab mine about six months ago, it flipped out of my hand just the right way, and landed directly into my cup of coffee. I tried the 5 second rule, but no go, she was toast. Nextel was very glad to see me coming with my check book in hand.

nano reefer

Active Member
i have gotten 3 phones wet from "swimming" them. meaning pushed into a pool, pushed off a boat, and accidentally falling off a ropeswing. i couldnt dry them out so i just dipped them in rubbing alcohol, which resests the markers that tell you if it has been wet or not. so when you bring it back to verizon, they wont know it got wet, which means free new phone!


I'm infamous for washing my cell phone with the laundry. I was told by someone that worked with cell phones that if you leave it off and take the battery out and let the phone dry out for a day or two before turning it back on it will work. It has worked twice for me on different phones. Its when you heat them up with like a hair dryer to dry them that they get messed up.


Active Member
Rule #1 with electronics always remove battery if it gets wet so it does not short out.Normally once it drys it will work again.I have droped my phones in pools many times at work and this always work.I just have a couple extra phones that I can swap out till iti drys out.