Yet another annoying sump post


Active Member
Yea, like christssol said, in theory air tubeing will. But I agree and would not trust them. Anything can fail/clog/kink.
If it was me i would T off over the tank and back in and make it a 3 rd. return and put the syphon hole on that 3 rd. run right at high water level inside the tank. Ill do a drawing if you want.
Water will not DRAIN uphill but it will SYPHON uphill. You will still have to take the main return lines up high like in my drawing to keep it from draining and you need the air brake to keep it from syphoning.
I have never liked inwall returns when low like yours for these reasons .



Originally posted by Dogstar
Yea, like christssol said, in theory air tubeing will. But I agree and would not trust them. Anything can fail/clog/kink.
If it was me i would T off over the tank and back in and make it a 3 rd. return and put the syphon hole on that 3 rd. run right at high water level inside the tank. Ill do a drawing if you want.
Water will not DRAIN uphill but it will SYPHON uphill. You will still have to take the main return lines up high like in my drawing to keep it from draining and you need the air brake to keep it from syphoning.
I have never liked inwall returns when low like yours for these reasons .

yeah if you dont mind drawing me a picture. I am almost 100% sure that i understand you but a picture is worth 1000 words or something like that. Anyways I bought the tank used for a great price and i am kinda stuck with these returns. I was almost thinkin about just not using them at all but since they are there i might as well use them.


New Member
also if your dead set against the third return just seal that pipe off totally except for the little hole in it to break the syphon. You could even leave that third pipe facing straight down just a hair above the water level with the tiny hole in it pointing down. It will steam water out of it constantly but not to much since the two larger return openings will take most of the flow and that way it won't even be visible from the front of the tank except the tiny little bit of surface motion which is nice to have anyway :)