yet another death


Today I had yet another fish die. So in the coarse of a week and a half I had one puffer, one tang, one clown, one cleaner shrimp, and two damsels die. Everything has been checking out since day one, all the levels and fine, temps fine, ph fine. I cant find a single thing to be to blame for this death in my tank. The three big fish all died on the same day after the tang became "sick", and the rest have died here and their. Any suggestions as to what could have caused this. One lady says that it could be due to a parasite in the tank and it could take up to 6 weeks for it to die, how true is this?


Active Member
I F its a parasite then it's true, but don't jump to conclusions. How long has the tank been running?


When you say your water is fine, what exactly are your parameters? How long have you had each of these fish before they died? How did you aclimate them?


Active Member
to go along with Jedi, what exactly is your Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, pH and Alkalinity levels.


Active Member
How did you acclimate the fish to your tank? Did they have any symptoms, flashing, spots, eyes, and so on?


You really need to give more info on your parameters. So maybe we can help pinpoint the problem. Also what dreeves said ..What was your acclimation procedure? Were the fish showing any symptoms of illness when you bought them? Did you QT them? Do you have a QT tank up and running? How long did the LFS have them before you purchased them? I know its a lot but its necessary to know these things so we can help you out.