yet another ich ?


Well, doesn't appear to be anybody out there but here goes. Does/can ich appear as black splotches before or after white cysts. My kole tang has numerous black spotches exactly like the photos of hyper-melaninization but nothing that I can see that would cause it other than a reaction to the ich parasite. I saw a few white specks on his fins and between his eyes yesterday but they are gone today. Black splotchs remain. Pretty sure I have ick on my hands but didn't expect to see the black spots and would have expected a full blown white salting effect today. I am preparing to treat for ich unless someone has another suggestion. No other fish show signs of anything abnormal. Kole eats and swims normal. Nothing new added to the tank since the Kole but that was 3 months ago. Not a quarantine, acclimation, diet or water quality issue but maybe stress related. Any insight would be much appreciated.


Possibel black ich. It is not actually ich it is the raction to aparisite that has been on it and leaves that mare after it has detached, from what i have read. One of my yellow tankg would get it a lot thesmaller tang was fine. I diped both tangs and treated their tank for ich they are doing a lot better. I also bought a cleaner shrimp.


I just had a run in with this on my yellow tang not to long ago when i got him. The diease is prominent in haiwian species. The way i took care of the problem was a product called SANO and 4 cleaner shrimp dont know if it was the correct way of going about it but1 month later no spots fish is healthy and chunky little man.
Moderators please correct me if im wrong still learning.


thank you for replying. Everything I can find on black ich shows what looks exactly like regular ich but black specks instead of white. Like black pepper specks. My fish has black blotches both on his side and on his fins. Bigger than any black ich I've seen. Anyone seen regular ich cause this blotchy look? I was thinking maybe a reaction or scaring from the ich parasite but both of think black ich. Now, I'm not sure what to treat for.


is their anyway you cant get a picture on here for us to see, Also what are you water parameters, specific gravity ammo nitrates nitrites ph alk water temp


Black ich is just the reaction to the parasite. I am at work right now but I can post the Dip infromation to you when I get home. The cleaner shrip will help out a lot my tang is doing great kind of funny I saw the shrip stuck on my tang cleaning him last night. I will post the information online. If you don't treat their water also the dip won't helpit any all it is doing is killing any parisite on its body.


the blotches look very similar to the picture of the atlantic blue tang but no where near as bad or as big. Mine has more smaller blotches. Water changes 10% a week. Yesterday's numbers are Amm 0; Nitrite 0; Nitrate 10; Mg 1270; Ca 375; dkh/alk 7.7/2.74; PO4 0; PH 8.1; Temp 80 deg steady; Slainity 35 ppt. I do not dose or add any suppliments except DT's sparingly for feather dusters. Eats seaweed selects, formula 2 frozen, mysis frozen, multipack frozen, prime reef, super veggie flakes, soaked in fresh garlic, zoe and zoecon. I really don't think this is water quality or diet issue. I added new lights last week, a new mushroom rock, and broke down the skimmer and filter for cleaning. The stress from cleaning the tank is the only thing I can come up with. Outside chance the mushroom rock from SWF.COM had something on it...ick or some other parasite but highly unlikely I would think. No other additions to the tank in 3 months. No aggression from tank mates. Thanks again for all your insight and ideas.


hmmm........thinking is hard due to a severe headache but im am very interested in your situatuion. My next ? is sorry for so many what size tank what is the livestock corals fish inverts etc. Trying to help narrow this down.


no problem...I really appreciate the help. Tank is 72 gal. two small clowns (now about 8 months old) stay in thier colt coral don't bother anybody, small six line wrasse (does like to play with the kole tang and steal his seaweed sheet but I really think they are playing), small bi-color blenny (stays near his hole doesn't bother anybody...afraid of his own shadow). Nassarius, turbos, ceriths and emerald crab. Some mushrooms, zoos, feather dusters, coco worm and tree sponge. 100 lbs LR, 80 lbs Live Sand. Everything has been extremely stable and uneventful for 8 months. The Kole Tang, actually blue spotted Kole tang, was the last addition to the tank about 3 months ago and was sent to me by mistake. Although many suggest a kole tang for smaller tanks... I don't!


I have to leave shortly for work, im going to take my diease and symptoms books to work with me and hopefully i will have an anwer for you late tonight or early morning, dispatcher for fed easy boring job but ya know its kool get alot of reading done. PLease just bare with me and hopefully we will find the problem. in the mean time keep feeding him greens and some garlic extreme and keep him healty and we will figure out whats wrong.