I found this lil' guy when doing a water change this morning, he was crawling on the intake. I would like to know what it is. Do I get rid of him or put him back?
These actually do have shells, just not like you expect. They are kind of flat and slipper like almost, and are mostly or all covered by skin. That is the little bump you see on the back.
Wow if that happens I'll move some to the big tank that has critters that like things like that. He loves to crawl all over the feather calurpa in my tank he's a handy little cleaner.
Thanks for all your input. It's always rewarding to post here there is always something new to learn!
Also, the shells will be a variety of colors and designs. I have many of these and one larger one is black and white striped. It's very fun to have not been to the LFS, to look in your tank and think "wow, isn't HE pretty". Gotta love it.
Originally Posted by Clown52
I have always wanted some of those, if anyone has an overabundance you think you would ship a few?
And how many would you like? I counted 6 this morning-and I realize there are probably that many that I can't see.
Originally Posted by ct_vol
My Christmas Wrasse made short order of mine... lol
Anything else eat them? Sixline Wrasse? My quantity is growing QUICKLY!