Yikes!!! Another mistake!


I added way too much kalkwasser too fast and my pH went throught he roof!...I added some lemon juice and the pH is now down to 8.2. However, the water is still foggy and i am worried about my fish and corals. Did I make a fatal mistake?


Active Member
Possibly not. Water changes. I'd get some RO/DI and do a 30% water change. Give it a week and do another one. You may not have time to aereate the first change but be sure it's temp is correct and it's well mixed to same sg with a powerhead. Get your second water change ready a couple days ahead of time. This will help your alk, ca and ph get back in balance.


I did a water change. Now i guess i should just wait. I hope everything is ok. If anyone else has done this, give me some good news, I don't want to lose my tank mates!


Active Member
Do you test for ca, alk and ph? They all interact. There is some good info on this sight regarding the relationship between these three. Try a search. The very best way to quickly get chemistry back in line is to do a couple rather large (30%) quality water changes.
I'd run some carbon too but, I can't stress enough that quality water changes will get your chemistry back in line.
How are fish and corals acting today? Any signs of stress?


the fogginess is probably just minerals that were precipitated by the rapid pH changes, but water changes are still good idea


Active Member
Wrassecal gave some good info. Make sure you have all your test kits before adding kalkwasser. Also, I almost never advocate carbon in a marine tank, but this is one case where it will really help.
Make sure your skimmer is in tip top operating condition during this recovery.