yippie!! I tamed my damzel.

i love fish

I had these 2 naughty damzels
in my DT and put them into 1 of my empty QTs that I'm not using. The QT is now there permanent home,coz where I live right now, u can't take them back 2 the lfs.
I had another much larger beautiful black neon damzel (which was a gift) in my other QT. Once quarantine for this damzel was over I put it in my DT and all hell broke lose coz of him,
so I put him with the other 2 damzels who where thoroughly terrorizing one another.
He is so much larger than the other 2 damzels (I called him Stud by the way) and he kept beating them up for a day or 2 then finally, he just stopped, so long as they kept away from his territory he was fine. Eventually he let them trespass on his territory and he doesn't even care. They hang out together, share their food, play together, it's amazing.
They've been together for about a month now, and it's so peaceful in there, u wouldn't even think they r damzels.
So WEIRD!!!!

Do u all think that if I move the 3 damzels together back into my DT, they'll remain peaceful? Or will they pick on any newcomers/smaller fish?