

Okay I just starting looking into this hobby yesterday and it looks pretty sweet. I'm still trying to convince my parents to let me get into it though :) So a quick question that I have to ask is if it is alright to go to the ocean and catch your own fish and put them in your tank?


it depends were you live if you live somewhere like flordia you can get tropical fish but if you live in california or something like that you have to get small blennys and gunnels also shrimp,snails,crabs


Depends if u already have a tank and any accessories...I started my 30 gallon for about 300...that was a new pump, ls, salt, hydrometer, test kit, 3lb lr and 2 fish. I've since added a new light 120.00 and a protein skimmer 130.00.


well i think i know where I can get a tank for a cheap price. It's pretty expensive but if you save up not that much. I might go in with my sister and buy one together. But I really don't want to do that so i'll probably just save up. Thanks.
And does it nee dto be a saltwater tank? Or can it be any tank?


Any new tank will be fine... If used... I'm sure someone has a killer way to make sure it is safe... Unless used by reptiles... :scared:


Okay sweet cause I'm still trying to persuade my parents to let me get one. This hobby looks so fun :joy: I think I might start off a little small maybe a 30 gal. I don't know I might check out the local pet store and see what they have. I've always been into marine biology and that's why I think this will be fun.
So what's a good starter fish I was thinking maybe a clown.


I started with some green chromis... Then added two black perculas and a sunrise dottyback. Just recently added cleanup crew (turbo & margarita snails, and hermit crabs) and a cleaner shrimp.


heheh... the tank was the cheapest part aside from my fish...

46BowFront with stand - Approx $200
Wet/Dry bio-ball tank, 75GAL skimmer, 2 heaters, return sump - $600
46.5# LR & 40# LS - $600
Fish - about $150
Clean-up crew - $80
new lights this weekend - $200
Seeing my nieces squeel with glee as my Nassarius snails rise from the sand like Day of the Dead... Priceless... for everone else.. there's goldfish... :happyfish


Active Member
You arent gonne find anythign for ur tank in the great oceans of michigan...hbut if u lived somewhere tropical u probably could


Active Member
where i live even though its cold water(56) the snails and crabs can live in a tropical tank. i do it alot


Originally Posted by playa
Well thanks guys hey do you know how much it costs to get started?

It never ends just more and more money.


I like your scale Payton 350, seems like it does come out to around $20 or $30 per gallon. I also think that scale works it way up after around 100 or 150 gallon. Maybe $30 to $40 per gallon then.
I like that, I'm going to start using that when people ask...


Originally Posted by opus18
heheh... the tank was the cheapest part aside from my fish...

46BowFront with stand - Approx $200
Wet/Dry bio-ball tank, 75GAL skimmer, 2 heaters, return sump - $600
46.5# LR & 40# LS - $600
Fish - about $150
Clean-up crew - $80
new lights this weekend - $200
Seeing my nieces squeel with glee as my Nassarius snails rise from the sand like Day of the Dead... Priceless... for everone else.. there's goldfish... :happyfish
Yay my mom said I probably could get one! Is all that stuff required? I'm not going to buy the nicest berand of stuff until I can really get into this hobby. so I'm going for some cheap things. So is it required? If not then what do I need?


Originally Posted by zanoshanox
You arent gonne find anythign for ur tank in the great oceans of michigan...hbut if u lived somewhere tropical u probably could
Yah we're going to go down to Penn and NY soon so I was thinking I could do it there.


Active Member
Get away with a hob filter or a canister filter. tank 50 50 lights (if u dont want corals). 2 powerheads sand and a cleanup heater protien skimmer is recomended but you dont need one.