You ain't gonna believe the hitchhiker I found this morn!!!



Originally Posted by sammiefish
should you feed it?

I never "fed" it before, I ain't changin' a thing!! What I WANT to do is pull him from his spot, put him in front where I can see him, feed him, love him, hug him, squeeze him, and call him my own... BUT I AIN'T DOIN' NOTHIN!! I don't know how he lived, cause if I'da known he was there I prolly woulda done something to kill him. I am even trying to refrain from researching him!! I don't wanna change a thing.
Now you guys see my joy!! Lemme say it one more time...WOOHOO!!!!!!


Out of 180 ponds, 100 came from here and the other 80 came from a LFS that only had rock in the tanks as far as I could tell. Like I said earlier, I've never even SEEN a flame except in books so even if it did come from LFS rock, it wasn't sold as that "specialty" "premium" rock or whatever they wanna call it. But even more impressive is that I haven't added ANY new rock in at LEAST a year! This vendor is gonna love me, cause I got a bunch of good hitch hikers, well, except for the whelks, and the majority of my rock came from them!! Ond the place where I got the rest orders from the same vendor as SWF (Walt Smith).
What's neat though is finding a new hitch hiker this late in the game and then one as cool as that! Now I wonder what I'll find NEXT YEAR!! LOL.


Active Member
Congratulations of your find, that is incredible, especially that it has been in there for so long. Very, very cool!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


I found it's hiding spot. Well, the one it's using today anyway. I check on it every time I look into the tank. What I wanna know is... The white tenticle thingy's, will they stay white or do they turn red or was that two totally different types in my book. Ok so I researched just a little bit. :rolleyes:


Active Member
Well, there are actually quite a few species in the genus Lima to which it may belong, and it is very difficult to distinguish them from pictures I would imagine. But I would think you get what you see :yes:


Active Member
The few I've seen had lighter colored tentacles than the body. But like I said, I've only seen a few. :D


"If, however, you are not feeding mixed phytoplankton and zooplankton of the appropriate size on a regular (and by this I really mean at least daily) basis, adding a flame scallop to your aquarium is quite simply a death sentence for the animal, because it is going to starve to death. If that is the case, then no matter how cool you think the animal is, you should not add one to your aquarium" - Rob Toonen Marine Biologist
Read this article [link violation]


Active Member
This is a week old post if you read the whole thing he didnt add it he found it over a year later.


I am aware that he didn't add it but he said he had live rock for a long time not over a year. Anways it takes months for scallops to starve to death, so what if it's a week old post, the person who posted it will still see what I wrote.


Active Member
I haven't added ANY new rock in at LEAST a year!
Based on this, I do think it has been there a year. And it was not a specimen that was purchased. Normally I strongly discourage the buying of flame scallops and cite exactly Rob Toonen's article on them. But Tizzo has a very very nice and healthy system, and clearly has been able to sustain the scallop at least as long as many others without even knowing it was there. I believe she does feed a fairly wide variety of foods for corals, however, and that has no doubt been critical to success so far. :yes:


Originally Posted by Tizzo
But even more impressive is that I haven't added ANY new rock in at LEAST a year!
I read it... I didn't add it. I would not have added one. But now that I have it, I will not change anything I am doing to my tank. But thanks for the response!!


Active Member
I had one but it died to to transit. I got it next day dead. I got my money back for it but it was pretty if you can get them to live there awsome looking.